Press Quotes
The things those newspaper and magazine sorts have written about me over the years, eh?

“One of the hardest-working and most in-demand presenters on television and radio”
“One of the most colourful media characters Scotland has ever produced. A rare talent; a maverick presenter from the mould that created Kenny Everett, James Whale, Jonathon Ross and Chris Evans”
“Very persuasive and articulate”
“Cult broadcasting hero and all round good egg”
“Unhip and slightly vicarish”
“Splendidly entertaining feisty scot”
“Naff name spelling, funny guy”
“One of the truly great youth presenters”
“A coruscating blend of the searingly honest and the completely deluded”
“That cheeky happy off the telly and radio with a snappy sense of humour”
“A character straight out of a Biactol ad, dressed like the Doctor Who that never was”
“The Scot whose abrasive style is dominating radio and television ”
“The guru for a generation dedicated to zapping, blasting, puzzling and solving”
“One thing the motormouth from Arbroath has rarely been called is average. If he went to the Mediterranean on holiday, he would risk getting his tongue sunburned.”
“It was the radio phone in that made his name 24 carat”
“One television executive recently described him as “the complete anchor” although I may have misheard”
“An endearing quality to his comic observations”
“I’m happy his performing skills have improved since the days he trawled the stand up circuit with the catchphrase “Hands up who hates Maggie Thatcher””
“It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the [Gamesmaster] imagery is almost exclusively masturbatory ”